Imágenes de Australia III
who starred in 'Crocodile Dundee': an ox. - Impresiones de Australia, by Laurenz Bobke. Snake, found on the road - Impresiones de Australia, by Laurenz Bobke. Kakdu national park: bush fire. - Dreamtime Australia: travel photography by Laurenz Bobke. Kakadu national park: stone cross/trees. - Dreamtime Australia: travel photography by Laurenz Bobke.
Kakadu National Park: Lovers watching the sunset under a stone cross. - Dreamtime Australia: travel photography by Laurenz Bobke. Elvira and I at a Darwin Pub. - Dreamtime Australia: travel photography by Laurenz Bobke. Darwin: tree.  - Dreamtime Australia: travel photography by Laurenz Bobke. darwin sea shore. - Dreamtime Australia: travel photography by Laurenz Bobke.
Darwin: outdoor painting at the sea shore. - Dreamtime Australia: travel photography by Laurenz Bobke. Kangaroos in the evening... - Dreamtime Australia: travel photography by Laurenz Bobke. Darwin: trees - Dreamtime Australia: travel photography by Laurenz Bobke. Darwin: sunset/trees. - Dreamtime Australia: travel photography by Laurenz Bobke.


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Página 3 de 3, copyright 1998 - 2000, Laurenz Bobke


fotografías de viaje by Laurenz Bobke
Travel Photography Online